I’ve just received in the post £6 of Tesco’s vouchers and that has been accumulated from my Tesco’s home delivery shop which is pretty meagre as I live alone and don’t cook creatively so don’t buy loads of ingredients. And I’m pleased with myself as I love a coupon or a voucher!

In fact my local radio station calls me the Coupon Queen as I’m often talking about them.

I’ve always seen vouchers and coupons as a form of savings and although you don’t get any interest, you can use them as payment for stuff either when you’re hard up or for a special occasion.

During a normal year I collect all my vouchers and points from my various loyalty cards and I use them to buy Christmas presents and to buy the big family food shop at Christmas.

At a time when people are normally struggling for money and putting payments on a credit card, I am happily using up all my year’s worth of points, coupons, vouchers and discounts and feeling pretty smug!

You should try it. Cut that Coupon now!

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Gill Fielding

Author Gill Fielding

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