Managing Credit Cards, Personal Loans and Smaller Debt
Whether you have a couple of small debts or none, this online tutorial will share our top tips for managing credit cards, personal loans and smaller debt.
There’s a big difference between these smaller types of borrowing compared to a mortgage. A mortgage will be secured on the property that you are buying and that means that the mortgage provider always has first call on your property. With personal loans and credit cards for instance they tend to be unsecured borrowing and consequently no asset is required on your part to get access to them.
In this tutorial you will learn:
- The difference between larger debt such as mortgages and smaller debt
- How to manage and control smaller debt
- An introduction to personal loans and their rates
- Key principles of using credit cards
- Other options for borrowing money
- Gill’s debt busting tips
So what are you waiting for? Learn how to take control of your credit cards, personal loans and other debt for just £2.99!
About the Presenter:
Hosted by secret-millionaire and wealth creation expert, Gill Fielding, you will have access to an online tutorial, worksheets and clear action steps to manage personal loans, credit cards and other smaller debt.