Managing Your Money
Do you know where you spend your money each month? Many people have no idea where their money is spent and therefore have troubles managing their personal finances. Managing your money correctly is the first and most important step to getting to grips with your personal finances. Understanding how you make and spend your money each month is crucial to your overall success on your journey to wealth creation.
By taking some time to identify where you are spending your money, you will be in a good position to predict with more certainty where you will spend your money during the next month or year.
Our fun and interactive online module will teach you how to take control of your finances and manage your money, including how to cut back on monthly expenses. Plus, you will gain exclusive access to our FREE wealth wizard calculator to help you analyse your current spending habits.
About the Presenter:
All of our online modules are hosted by secret-millionaire and wealth creation expert, Gill Fielding. Once enrolling, you will have access to a video tutorial, worksheets and clear actions, to help you take your first steps in taking control of your personal finances.
So, what are you waiting for? Get started and enrol today!
What our Students Say…
“I love hearing Gill Fielding talking about money and how to deal with it. It is inspiring, positive and brings you strong clarity of what to do. The module I watched today ‘Control of Your Money’ is very simple, direct and easy to understand yet gives you the structuring to start sorting out your finances. I simply loved it!” – Maria